That Lady Thing: Rising Like a Phoenix
Agency: Cogs & Marvel
Creative Director: Jamie Shaw
Design Director: Brittnell Anderson
We partnered with DesignSake Studio to present a game show about The Pink Tax. We featured contortionist Dwoira Galilea trapped in a patriarchal bubble. We commissioned hand-lettered calligraphy from artist Hope Meng for a projection installation called “Getting Medieval on the Patriarchy” and hand drawn artwork for our lifesize tarot cards from Raisa Yavneh. And there were live performances from transgender, chart-topping recording artist, Lafemmebear and the all-female Taiko drum troupe, Dance Brigade. We also teamed with the ass-kicking organizers for social justice at Malikah to stage self-defense demos. And just for good measure, we created scratch & sniff wallpaper called “Smells Like Toxic Masculinity.” And yes, it actually stinks. Just like misogyny.
Perhaps the biggest, most important addition was that we opened our doors for the first time to the next generation of empowered women, fierce young ladies under 21-years-old, reinforcing a sense of confidence, possibility and equality as they grow up.
2019 | Art direction, strategy, design
On International Women’s Day 2019, my team at Cogs & Marvel staged the second edition of That Lady Thing at the iconic Phoenix Hotel in San Francisco. When we learned the hotel is owned and managed by a mostly female team, we knew it was the perfect place for the next iteration of our gender equality themed pop-up activation. This edition added new exhibits and layers of live performative content, as well.